Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spalding Gray: Stories Left to Tell [A]

Spalding Gray's writing is really very good, and this might be the last time for quite a while that you get a chance to see it performed live. Good cast (the unknowns in the cast really shine - maybe outshining the "knowns").

It's a bit of a downer, but a must-see even so. It's emotionally involving and sad, but not depressing. (Compare this with "Howard Katz" which is pretty much the opposite.)

Mary Rose [B+]

Journey's End [B]

A Very Common Procedure [C-]

All that I Will Ever Be [B-]

Company [B]

Coast of Utopia: Salvage [B]

Our Leading Lady [C]

The Frugal Repast [C]

Adrift in Macao [B+]

Pure silly fun, but if you're in the mood for that kind of thing, it's lots of fun. This is a spoof on ...well on almost everything: Bogart, film noir, America in the 30's, gangsters, whatever.

Talk Radio [B]

Howard Katz [C-]

The worst of two worlds: depressing but not particularly emotionally involving.